Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Out of the Blue Web Project:

1. To re-familiarize myself with web design
2. To feel comfortable with various web programs and to be able to communicate that understanding to clients.
1. To design and create a website from the ground up.
2. To receive compensation for the work I complete.
3. To make a website that is easy to use and update.
1. To learn how to make updates from other computers.
2. To learn how to create links and moving icons.
3. To feel comfortable with iweb design.
4. To find other web design programs that I like.
Project Description
For this web site I am working with the owner of the store, Out of the Blue to create an online database that showcases her collection of African art. The site will be educational as well as consumer oriented. The goal is to guide the shopper through an interesting, informative and unique site that will ultimately lead them to purchasing African art.

Specific Products of Study
iweb tutorials
Specific Technical and Research Issues
Build photo catalogue
Build info catalogue
Choose template for site design
home page
All Tribes page
All Objects page
Individual tribes pages
Individual Objects pages with Gallery
Individual Objects of Tribe page
Individual Object with info page
Contact Information page
African Art statement by owner
Bio about owner and store
Links to favorite books, websites, and other gallery sites
Music for site
Quote for cost of work
Time line for Project Out of the Blue
October 2: Meeting with Kathleen to discuss layout of the website and assignment of check list
October 5: Check in with Kathleen to decide next meeting time
October 9: 11am meeting with Kathleen to go down check list and discuss price
October12 or 14: Work on uploading all info
October16:11am meeting with Kathleen to collect photo and info discs

October23:11am meeting with Kathleen to collect written bio and african statement
October24:Get the rest of check list done

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